Unraveling THE DAY BEFORE: Exposing the Scam and Safeguarding Your Steam Experience


In the vast realm of gaming, excitement often accompanies the anticipation of new titles. However, not every game release is as promising as it seems. In recent times, THE DAY BEFORE has garnered attention, but not for the right reasons. This blog delves into the alleged scam surrounding THE DAY BEFORE and provides essential tips to protect Steam users from falling victim to such schemes.


THE DAY BEFORE initially seemed like a promising addition to the survival genre, capturing the interest of gamers worldwide. The trailer showcased stunning graphics, an expansive open world, and intense zombie survival gameplay. However, as the release date approached, red flags started to emerge, revealing a darker side to this seemingly exciting venture.


The Scam Unveiled: Reports started circulating about misleading promotional materials, broken promises, and suspicious developer practices. Many players who pre-ordered THE DAY BEFORE complained about receiving an unfinished and glitch-ridden game that fell far short of the advertised features. Some even questioned the legitimacy of the developers and their intentions.

Red Flags to Look Out For:

  1. Unrealistic Promises: Be wary of games that promise too much, especially if the developers have a history of unfulfilled commitments.
  2. Lack of Transparency: Scams often thrive in secrecy. If developers are not transparent about the game's progress, development updates, or community feedback, it's a cause for concern.
  3. Fake Reviews and Testimonials: Check for authentic reviews and feedback from reliable sources. If a game's reviews seem too good to be true, they probably are.



Protecting Yourself on Steam

  1. Research Extensively: Before purchasing any game, thoroughly research the developers, their track record, and the overall gaming community's sentiment.
  2. Wait for Reviews: Patience is key. Hold off on pre-orders and initial releases; wait for genuine reviews from players who have experienced the game firsthand.
  3. Verify Developer Credentials: Legitimate developers have a history of successful projects. Investigate the developers' portfolio to gauge their reputation.
  4. Be Skeptical of Early Access: While many Early Access games succeed, they come with risks. Ensure the developers are actively engaging with the community and updating the game consistently.
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